videoBIO Recruiter Located at
550 Queen Street East, Suite 350, Toronto, ON CA.
Phone: 416-840-7600
create your own website for free

Use the most full-featured digital interviewing platform on the market



Includes 3 user accounts
50 "any type" interviews/mth



Includes 5 user accounts
100 "any type" interviews/mth



Unlimited user accounts
500 "any type" interviews/mth


  • Custom video job ads
  • Video applications
  • 1-way interviews
  • Live, recordable panel interviews
  • Fully customizable interview settings
  • Response length settings
  • Candidate re-recording option
  • Landing page builder and editor
  • Branding
  • Sharing, commenting and rating
  • Unlimited reviewers
  • Scorecards
  • Video library
  • Question database
  • Candidate consent form
  • Introduction, job description and question video options


  • Custom video job ads
  • Video applications
  • 1-way interviews
  • Live, recordable panel interviews
  • Fully customizable interview settings
  • Response length settings
  • Candidate re-recording option
  • Landing page builder and editor
  • Branding
  • Sharing, commenting and rating
  • Unlimited reviewers
  • Scorecards
  • Video library
  • Question database
  • Candidate consent form
  • Introduction, job description and question video options


  • Custom video job ads
  • Video applications
  • 1-way interviews
  • Live, recordable panel interviews
  • Fully customizable interview settings
  • Response length settings
  • Candidate re-recording option
  • Sharing, commenting and rating
  • Unlimited reviewers
  • Scorecards
  • Landing page builder and editor
  • Branding
  • Video library
  • Question database
  • Candidate consent form
  • Introduction, job description and question video options
  • Cognitive-enhanced interviewing and assessment analytics
  • +ATS Candidate management and Recruiter features

Monthly packages add $1,000 setup fee charged upfront with first month. Annual contract paid upfront waives setup and system provisioning fees.

High volume hiring with more than 6,000 interviews per year?
Ask us for a quote

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